Learning Multi-Arm Manipulation Through Collaborative Teleoperation

Albert Tung*1, Josiah Wong*1,Ajay Mandlekar1,Roberto Martín-Martín1,Yuke Zhu2, Li Fei-Fei1, Silvio Savarese1

* These authors contributed equally. 1Stanford Vision and Learning Lab. 2The University of Texas at Austin

Imitation Learning (IL) is a powerful paradigm to teach robots to perform manipulation tasks by allowing them to learn from human demonstrations collected via teleoperation, but has mostly been limited to single-arm manipulation. However, many real-world tasks require multiple arms, such as lifting a heavy object or assembling a desk. Unfortunately, applying IL to multi-arm manipulation tasks has been challenging -- asking a human to control more than one robotic arm can impose significant cognitive burden and is often only possible for a maximum of two robot arms.

To address these challenges:
  • We present Multi-Arm Roboturk(MART), a multi-user data collection platform that allows multiple remote users to simultaneously teleoperate a set of robotic arms and collect demonstrations for multi-arm tasks
  • We show that learning from such data consequently presents challenges for centralized agents that directly attempt to model all robot actions simultaneously
  • We propose and evaluate a base-residual policy framework that allows trained policies to better adapt to the mixed coordination setting common in multi-arm manipulation, and show that a centralized policy augmented with a decentralized residual model outperforms all other models on our set of benchmark tasks.



System Diagram

System diagram showing multiple remote users connecting to a single simulated robotic environment.

Example of MART Teleoperation

Two users with different points of view controlling robots in a singular environment.

Multi-Arm Tasks

Two-Arm Assembly

Two-Arm Pick Place Handover

Three-Arm Tray Lift and Wipe

We collect nearly 500 human guided demonstrations using MART

Comparison of Algorithms

Two-Arm Assembly



Our Residual Model

Our residual model is better able to learn decoupled and coupled actions in the assembly task.

Two-Arm Pick Place Handover



Our Residual Model

Our residual model more often completes the handoff successfully.

Three-Arm Tray Lift and Wipe



Our Residual Model

Our residual model recovers from failures more effectively and deals with mixed coordination better.